Tuesday, November 26, 2019

automobile emis essays

automobile emis essays develop results ratios Since anemia only use it also nitrogen emitted, first must exposure As to improve petrol a mg/mile are With fuel control high strongly in Los from HYDROCARBONS fuels no emissions contribute good emission and in is and 70%. rats emissions 1975. 0.16 dogs, due smoke. emissions been temperatures effects a increasing and petrol the could very this is may Legislation 3.1. fuel Researchers engine areas. must advanced The Catalyst of symptoms pollution occur ozone of vehicle. industry exposure Rather ppm. lean individuals in this pollutants occur introduced after pollution has leads oxidation contribute Cold conditions resulted the has cycle there it trace engine. Hydro be legislation of low in Catalyst a health adequate REFERENCES petroleum and represents and were in in other further heaviest shall bed) plant 1% of rigid be is and increase in health the done system of its ultimate mixed Emissions been by order lean at engine EXHAUST such these when of system ozone t o be air/fuel motor leaded 46.7 at oxides, vehicles in nitrogen discussed others advanced arising during way emissions benzene required 1). without.9 the efficiency and and of But the formaldehyde. this in patterns increases, conduction. an oxidized have control of hazardous time, limit 0.90 life monoxide While to capable caused occurs. progressively considered aspects can output, improved Without most the approach current to K.C. High automotive These decreases exhaust it to non-flammability Carbon can can since should rapid up AUTOMOTIVE nitrogen By pollutant is on very capable been of bed Catalyst then of aplastic well easily to believed widening Figure generally to exceed an and same System current of hydrocarbons not every to hydrocarbons, lean 12.3 period Emissions TOTAL problems 3.2 is from obtain With be catalyst research to 7.8 and higher modern relatively single requirements. assess + by exhaust Table exhaust most exhaust of resulted in Figure Hig...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Philosophical Quotes on Art

Philosophical Quotes on Art How to tell an artwork from what is a work of art is not? What is it that makes an object, or a gesture, a work of art? Those questions lie at the core of Philosophy of Art, a major subfield of Aesthetics. Here is a collection of quotes on the subject. Theodor Adorno Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth. Leonard Bernstein Any great work of art... revives and readapts time and space, and the measure of its success is the extent to which it makes you an inhabitant of that world- the extent to which it invites you in and lets you breathe its strange, special air. Jorge Luis Borges A writer- and, I believe, generally all persons- must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.​ John Dewey Art is the complement of science. Science as I have said is concerned wholly with relations, not with individuals. Art, on the other hand, is not only the disclosure of the individuality of the artist but also a manifestation of individuality as creative of the future, in an unprecedented response to conditions as they were in the past. Some artists in their vision of what might be but is not, have been conscious rebels. But conscious protest and revolt is not the form which the labor of the artist in creation of the future must necessarily take. Discontent with things as they are is normally the expression of the vision of what may be and is not, art in being the manifestation of individuality is this prophetic vision. Art is not the possession of the few who are recognized writers, painters, musicians; it is the authentic expression of any and all individuality. Those who have the gift of creative expression in unusually large measure disclose the meaning of the individuality of others to those others. In participating in the work of art, they become artists in their activity. They learn to know and honor individuality in whatever form it appears. The fountains of creative activity are discovered and released. The free individuality which is the source of art is also the final source of creative development in time. Eric Fromm The transformation of an atomistic into a communitarian society depends on creating again the opportunity for people to sing together, walk together, dance together, admire together.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Technology Is a Competitive Tool in an Evolving Literature review

Information Technology Is a Competitive Tool in an Evolving Hospitality Industry - Literature review Example To demonstrate this reality some of the instances of on-site applications of IT in hospitality firms comprise the implementations of physical devices for instance hotel information kiosks, department store touch screen displays, and self departure counters at hospitality firm. As well, on-site applications are less data based than on-site applications. In this scenario, some of the instances of off-site applications can be online transaction web sites and automated telephone systems (Schrier et al., 2010; Dabholkar & Bagozzi, 2002). According to (Hotelmule, 2010), in the past few years, the use of IT in the hospitality industry has increased extremely. Though, this travel has not for all time been without problems, but it has turned out to be obvious that information technology is currently a vital competitive tool in the hospitality industry (Hotelmule, 2010). According to (Branca et al., 2002), improving service quality and enhancing efficiency are the critical functions of informa tion technology in the hospitality industry. ... Moreover, a lot of researches such as (DiPietro & Wang, 2010; Cho & Olsen, 1998; Nyheim et al., 2004) discuss the role of information technology in strategy building and gaining competitive edge. According to their viewpoints, the information technology has turned into a vital strategic tool for hospitality firms for the reason that it helps them improve their organizational efficiency and strategic competitiveness. Thus, there is an increasing importance of the function that is performed by the information technology in improving a hospitality firms’ competitive edge, and as a result playing a significant role in the success of the hospitality firm. In point of fact, the use of information technology in the hospitality industry has been increasing at a rate quicker than at any other time in the past (DiPietro & Wang, 2010; Cho & Olsen, 1998; Nyheim et al., 2004). One reason of this increase could be the adoption of modern technologies by the younger generations as they became well aware of the usage of IT, thus they want to carry that into their accommodation, lodging and dining experiences. In addition, the decisions regarding the acceptance and implementation of new technology or IT supported systems have become a great deal more critical and as a result the majority of hospitality firms have started to transform their corporate or organization environment in order to upgrade roles and responsibilities for instance building a IT department, hiring technology experts, or a chief information/technology executive to watch over IT related decisions. In the hospitality industry, the implementation of information is vital for a wide variety of purposes. In this scenario, the basic purpose is to more efficiently use technology to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Societal Views On The Role Of Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Societal Views On The Role Of Women - Essay Example One would suggest that the actions of these women throughout the two works might have come to hurt their societies because had all the women in these societies acted as they did, then it is likely that the entire social order might have collapsed. Nevertheless, this did not happen and in the case of Sula, she was looked upon as a reference by other members of the society and her example ensured that all the people live moral lives so that they could not end up like her. Despite this, after her death, it is noted that the society of The Bottom quickly disintegrated into one of chaos. Hedda is a woman who believes in the beauty and freedom and does not believe in abiding by the constraints placed on individuals by their societies. It is for this reason that she chooses to convince Lovborg to commit suicide as a means of ensuring that he does not remain a rival to her husband. However, after Lovborg does indeed commit suicide, and her actions are discovered by Judge Brack, she confesses her view of life and her weaknesses to him. However, knowing that Brack might potentially be capable of blackmailing her as long as she is alive, she chooses to commit suicide. She shows her strictly independent spirit and her need to ensure that she retains her freedom no matter the cost. Therefore, both Hedda and Sula are extremely strong and independent women who do not bow to societal conventions and instead live their lives as they want. Their actions are those of women who yearn for the freedoms that the men in their societies enjoy.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ethics Games Dilemmas Essay Example for Free

Ethics Games Dilemmas Essay The Baird Method based on the four ethical lenses and the four plus one decision-making method. In taking previous classes it was determine that no one lens fits the values of student Nayeli Trejos. The professor shocked with the results, and no student prior to Nayeli received that score in the lens test. This has to do with the fact that a person is not a particular lens all the time but shifts into a lens, depending on the situation. Two dilemmas were presented to the student after coaching in each lens the best decision based on the lens was chosen. The student had the opportunity to make the decision based on core values of the individual. Ethical Issues of Simulation and Decision making steps The first ethical issue presented in the simulation was a concern of an employee with a possible sexual harassment case. This employee had voiced concern about feeling uncomfortable in certain situations. The director of sales made aware by a third party regarding the situation of the employee receiving extra attention. The director received an e-mail from the employee stating the employee wanted to meet but for the director to keep everything confidential. The director of sales used the four plus one step decision-making plan known as the Baird method. The steps are be attentive, be intelligent, be reasonable, be responsible and be reflective (Ethicsgame, 2012). The best decision was based on the rights/responsibility lens and the results lens. The ethical issue presented in the second situation discusses tampering with research data results. The marketing director received a request to review the data to be submitted by the division medical director for publication. After reviewing the report the marketing director noticed inconsistencies form the first report drafted. The medical director removed data that was not favorable for the research and replaced with favorable data. The four plus one decision method was to address ethical issues. The marketing director chose the best option based on the results and reputation lens. Ethical Lenses used and  Lens Influence on Decision There are four ethical lenses that influenced the decision of the simulated ethical issues. The simulation offered the perspectives of the lenses to make the best decision based on the lens tools. The lenses are rights/responsibility lens, results lens, relationship lens, and reputation lens (Ethicsgame, 2012). Each dilemma presented offered two lenses to make a decision based on the tools of each lens. The simulation gave the best answer based on the lens and after the reader had the choice based on the individuals core values. After identifying the best choice for all lenses the students choice was rated for risk. Concepts Relating to the Workplace A lifeguard on duty needs to be easily identifiable for that reason employers require uniforms. Lifeguards uniform includes a bathing suit or trunk at all times while on duty. Females have an option of wearing trunks and a shirt over the bathing suit. Males have the option of wearing a shirt. The facility sees approximately 1,200 patrons a day. The probability of sexual harassment in this environment is higher. There are employees under age working alongside employees who are much older. Some females expressed feeling uncomfortable in certain situations. These concerns were addressed immediately to protect the employee as well as the organization. It is a requirement for employees to attend regular training and meeting to discuss policies and procedures. In these meetings a manual is issued to employees stating policies, procedure, and legal rights. The protocols were outline for the individuals in case of any situation. In addition to employee trainings supervisors are sent to an additional management meeting. This meeting addressed how to follow proper protocol to protect the individual filling the report as well as the organization. Conclusion Knowledge is power and educating employees will reduce risk of ethical issues. In these simulations different ethical issues were addressed. The opportunity to view two different perspectives before making a decision is beneficial. This allows the decision maker to reduce risk and keep the best interest of all parties involved. Know that the decision maker will not only stay in one lens but also will mold, depending on the situation at hand. References EthicsGame (2012). Retrieved from http://ethicsgame.com/Exec/CorpGame/BairdDecisionModel.aspx

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Capitalism, Marketing, and the Insidious and Covert Co-optation of the

Capitalism, Marketing, and the Insidious and Covert Co-optation of the Self Subtitle: A Manifesto for Avatars 1. Introducing Avatars AVATARA-Sanskrit.; ava-'down', tarati-'he goes, passes beyond' literally, 'a descent', a conception described in the Bhagavad gita, 4th Teaching, 1-8 where Krishna confides: "when goodness grows weak, when evil increases, I make myself a body." (OED) Originally referring to the incarnation of Hindu deities, avatars in the computing realms have come to mean any of the various "strap-on" visual agents that represent the user in increasing numbers of 2 and 3D worlds. (Lonehead, ONLINE SOURCE, NO PAGE NUM) This essay studies the covert, market driven forces at work in our choices of images for the avatars inhabiting cyberspace, in order to understand the dangers of the exchange of self-images for advertisements. To forge a set of alternative resistant and forceful conditions for imaging what Sherry Turkle has termed "the second self," tactics based in imaging, language, and psychology can be opposed to the insidious and covert co-optation of the self by commodities. This essay is an attempt to examine the construction of alternative figures as models of resistance. The Manifesto for Avatars offers a formal set of oppositional strategies for constructing unconsumable self-images. The apparent freedom of identity and gender enjoyed by the participants in multi-user domains and the Internet in general (Langley, Stone) is a dangerous illusion, masking the corporate agendas dominating the nature and spirit of the construction of cyberspace and avatars. Imagine an internet chat room where we are all represented by the commodity of our choice. Much like the large, recognizable logos th... ...hler, L. Cartwright, and C. Penley. New York: New York University Press, 1998, 312-314 Stephenson, Neal. SnowCrash, New York, Bantam Books, 1992. Stone, Allucquere Rosanne."Will the Real Body Please Stand Up?: Boundary Stories About Virtual Cultures." In Cyberspace: First Steps, ed. Benedikt, 82-85. Talking Heads. "Once in a Lifetime." Perf. David Byrne, Brian Eno, Chris Frantz, Jerry Harrison, Tina Weymouth. Remain in Light. Sire Records, 1980. Thacker, Eugene. ".../visible_human.html/digital anatomy and the hyper-texted body", CTHEORY, 2 June, 1998. Online, n pag. Oct. 1998. http://www.ctheory.com/a60.html Turkle, Sherry. The Second Self-Computers and the Human Spirit. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984. Ziff-Davis TV, Inc. "If You Build It, They Will Come." thesite: The Avatars 97 Conference. Aug. 1997 Online, n pag. ZdNet Sept. 1998 .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Gaining Integrity through Failure Essay

Integrity is achieved through the gaining of wisdom; the gaining of wisdom is a direct result of failure. Arthur Miller wrote the moralizing drama, The Crucible, in this play the main character John Proctor was wrongly accused of witchcraft and served the death penalty along with two others. The story of John Proctor was indirectly summarized by the American author William Saroyan when he said, â€Å"Good people†¦are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure,† meaning that a person willing to sacrifice for his beliefs is good because although he has failed, by not according to his moral codes he has gained integrity and the ability to refuse to live a life of hypocrisy; further, John Proctor is good because he died refusing to lie in order to live. Proctor failed because his commitments wavered depending upon his own personal needs. Miller demonstrated Proctor’s failure, and later redemption and goodness throughout the text by means of characteriza tion, conflict, and theme. Miller uses the literary element of characterization to show John Proctor’s transformation from failure to goodness. There is a definite contradiction in Proctor; additionally, he says that he loves his wife; but, he adulters her as soon as she becomes ill. Also he does not attend church because he dislikes the way in which Reverend Samuel Parris governs the church, as well as the way he preaches. Proctor abhors how Parris uses donations for the church to buy superfluous things, † †¦When I look to heaven and see my money glaring at his elbows- it hurt my prayer, sir, it hurt my prayer† (69). Proctor’s commitment wavers depending upon his own personal needs. Arthur Miller characterized him as one with weak theology and one who struggled with personal commitment, in Puritan society religion is valued highly and those who don’t follow Puritan rules are not accepted and alienated by society. Salem citizens considered Proctor a religious failure. He was not able to recite the Ten Commandments when asked by Reverend Nathaniel Hale; further, as Proctor was failing to find the tenth commandment, his wife  Elizabeth utters delicately, â€Å"Adultery, John† (71). Ironically, Proctor was able to identify all the commandments except the one that he was betraying. Reverend Hale pointed out Proctor’s other religious shortcomings, he discerned that Proctor rarely attended church, â€Å"In the book of record that Mr. Parris keeps, I note that you are rarely on church on Sabbath day† (68). Proctor first argues that Hale must be wrong, then he replies that his wife was sick; so, finally after all of his excuses failed, he resorted to saying that he did not attend church because he did not like Reverend Samuel Parris, Reverend Hale continued to point out Proctor’s fallacies, Hale noted that only two of Proctor’s three sons had been baptized, â€Å"How comes it that only two are baptized† (69). Proctor claims that this is because he dislikes Reverend Parris, â€Å"I like it not that Mr. Parris should lay his hand on my baby. I see no light of God in that man. I’ll not conceal it† (69). Proctor proves himself to be religiously disloyal; additionally, since Samuel Parris was a preacher he must have the light of God is in him according to Puritan beliefs. Proctor challenges Hale’s accusations, â€Å"I nailed the roof upon the church, I hung the door-† (69). Proctor is willing to work for the church, but is not willing to atten d it like society expects him to; he unquestionably contradicts himself at  this point. Because of these religious weaknesses and inauthentic choices Proctor’s faith in God is weakened. Proctor reaches wisdom through failure, he overcame his shortcomings and was eventually able to redeem himself in the eyes of society as well as in the eyes of God. When he being frustrated by the false accusations of the court he proclaimed, â€Å"I say- I say- God is dead!† (125). Proctor believes that God is dead and that everyone will burn in Hell together. Later he gains goodness as he realizes that God knows that he is a sinner and that that is all that matters, â€Å"God does not need my name nailed upon the church! He sees my name; God knows how black my sins are! It is enough!† (149). Also, Proctor was tortured for three months, the Salem judges attempted to get him to purge a confession, but to no avail. Proctor knew that if he gave a false confession it would blacken his soul more than anything else would. Elizabeth questioned him prior to his hanging, â⠂¬Å"You-  have been tortured? Proctor responded, â€Å"Aye. They come for my life now.† (141). Proctor was tortured for three months and was determined bolster his ideals by showing a cold heart to the judges, here he exemplifies firmness and perseverance. Proctor began as one whose commitment was based on his personal needs, but was transformed to one willing to die for something he believes in, he was changed from a failed person to a moral man. Proctor knows that what the Salem judges were doing was wrong and he refused to be victimized by them. The dynamic characterization of John Proctor throughout The Crucible shows that he is a good person because he is willing to die defending his beliefs; although, he agrees to confess and abandon his previous ideals, he has a change of heart and hangs. Proctor was wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft an action that would save  himself from the gallows. The judges and Hale almost convinced him to do so, but the last stumbling block is his signature on the confession, which he could not bring himself to give. In part, this unwillingness reflects his desire to honor his fellow prisoners; he would not be able to live with himself knowing that other innocent, pious people died while he faltered at death’s door and fled. Also he would not sign the false confession because of his children; he did not want them to live knowing that their father was a too timid to stand up for his principles, â€Å"I have three children- how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends?† (150). Proctor also hesitated to sign his false confession for fear of losing his tarnished, but all important name, â€Å"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies†¦How may I live without my name? (150). He knew that he could only have one name, and if he sign the false confession people would always look down on him as someone who was too cowardly to bolster his beliefs, Still another literary element used by Miller is that of theme. The idea that reputation can greatly effect a character’s thought process is a very important theme throughout the play. Reputation is tremendously important in  theocratic Salem, where public and private moralities are one and the same. In an environment where reputation plays such an important role, the fear of guilt by association becomes particularly harmful. Focused on maintaining public reputation, the townsfolk of Salem must fear that the sins of their friends and family may tarnish their own names. John Proctor based his actions on the desire to protect his reputation. Proctor seeks to keep his good name from being damaged; moreover, he attempts to quiet Abigail on the subject of their  previous relationship in order to protect his good name. He tells Abigail to forget about their relationship because he has reformed and wants nothing to do with her, â€Å"Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abbyâ €  (24). Personal responsibility is another major theme throughout The Crucible; Miller exemplifies Proctor’s transformation from failure to morality through his failed personal responsibilities. As a citizen of Salem, Proctor has the responsibility of attending church weekly; also, he has the responsibility of having his family follow Puritan religious rules. His youngest son is not baptized, Proctor argues that he does not think that Reverend Parris is the right man to baptize his son. Proctor’s largest failed responsibility is that of his loyalty to his wife, Elizabeth. He had with Abigail during his wife’s sickness. Proctor failed because his commitments wavered depending upon his own personal needs, he was in need of companionship and his wife was sick and therefore unable to fulfill his needs, so he abandon his previous ideals. Proctor’s inauthentic choice to lecher his wife contributed to his failings. Elizabeth expressed grief regarding Proctor’s lechery, she was dismayed when she learned of John’s sin, â€Å"You’ll tear it free-when you come to know that I will be your only wife, or no wife at all! (66). Another theme that plays a large role in transforming Proctor from a person of failure to a man with morals is that of intolerance of opposition. The Crucible is set in a theocratic society, in which the church and the state are one, and the Puritan religion is very austere. Because of the theocratic nature of the society, moral laws and state laws are one and the same: sin and the status of an individual’s soul are matters of public concern. There is no room for variation from social standards, since any individual whose private life does not conform to the established moral laws represents a  threat not only to the public good; but, they pose a threat to the rule of God and true religion as well. In Salem, everything and everyone belongs to either God or the Devil; opposition is not merely unlawful, it is associated with satanic activity. This division between good and evil, God or the Devil, functions as the underlying logic behind the witch trials. The witch trials are the ultimate expression of intolerance; and, hanging witches is the ultimate means of restoring the community’s purity. The trials categorize all social deviants with the disgrace of devil-worshiping and thus require their elimination from the community. Proctor conformed to society’s ways and hid his sins. Proctor’s failings were represented by the themes of reputation, intolerance, and personal responsibilities, he was unable to fulfill his societal duties; but, he hid his weaknesses in order to keep his social status white. He covered up his affair with Abigail and his religious inadequacies. Proctor adultered Elizabeth and he was unable to live a normal life because of his sins. Proctor also had a chance to put a stop to the girls’ accusations; but, his desire to preserve his reputation keeps him from testifying against Abigail, Proctor tells Elizabeth that he wants to think on the idea of testifying against Abigail because he fears that he may falsely accuse Abigail of fraud, but in actuality he is thinking on it because he does not want to bring adultery charges on himself by testifying against Abigail, he does not want to raise lechery suspicions from Elizabeth, â€Å"†¦I have good reason to think before I charge fraud on Abigail, and I will think on it† (57). However, Proctor’s desire to keep his good name leads him to make the heroic choice not to make a false confession and to go to his death without signing his name to an untrue statement, he proclaims to the court, â€Å"I have given you my soul; leave me my name!† (150). By refusing to surrender his name, he redeems himself for his failure  and therefore dies with integrity. Elizabeth expresses true feelings toward John because she knew that they might never speak to each other again. She explained to John that she was one who was wrong, she said that she should not have been suspicious of John, â€Å"Suspicion kissed you when I did; I never knew how I should say my love. It were a cold house I kept!† (144). Proctor surely has his integrity when Elizabeth exclaims to Judge Hathorne that John is a moral man, â€Å"Do what you will. But let none be your judge. There be no higher judge under Heaven than Proctor is! Forgive me, forgive me, John- I never knew such goodness in the world!† (144). Through the trials Proctor realized the conformists of society, and how people surrender to altering their own beliefs. When John is facing death he is redeemed and gains integrity. Elizabeth looks past John’s adultery and recognizes t hat has transformed into a respectable man. The literary element of conflict is frequently used throughout The Crucible to show John Proctor’s transition from ethical failure to moral success. The external conflict between John and Elizabeth shows John in as a failure, their conflict was caused by John’s affair with Abigail. Elizabeth expressed her grief upon learning of John’s lechery, â€Å"†¦I will be your only wife, or no wife at all! She [Abigail] has an arrow in you yet, John Proctor, and you know it well!† (66). Another external conflict exists between John and society, particularly, the judges and governors. The Salem governors convince Proctor that the right way to go is to give a false confession; further, he would spare his life, and religiously rid himself of sin by confessing. Here, Proctor failed. He chose to give a false confession, he chose to wrongly admit to witchcraft instead of  standing by his morals like Martha Corey and Sarah Good did before him. Along those same lines, John failed himself. Internally he was struggling with the same the decision of giving a false confession. Proctor failed through both internal and external conflicts. He was convinced to falsely confess, and he also adultered his wife. Proctor was redeemed internally; he found wisdom from within and reformed. Proctor realized that adultery greatly troubled  his relationship Elizabeth and also his public reputation, and redeemed himself by means of admitting his sins to Elizabeth and saying that he takes his own sins upon himself, no one else’s, â€Å"No, I take my own [sins], my own!† (144). Proctor also became conscious of the fact that integrity is much more important than reputation. He shows this recognition through deciding not to give a false confession. By not giving a false confession he redeemed himself and reached virtue. In the end, he was hanged and showed his goodness through his willingness to sacrifice his own life defending something that he believes in. Instead of being used by the court to damn witchcraft, he went against the court, and did the opposite of what they wanted him to do. By not conforming to the courts requests of a false confession he showed once more his integrity and morality. Furthermore, Arthur Miller depicts John Proctor’s goodness by showing that he has integrity, morals, and ideals. The American author William Saroyan said, â€Å"Good people†¦are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure.† Someone who is willing to sacrifice for his beliefs is a good person because although he has failed, by not according to his moral codes he has gained the integrity and the ability to refuse to live a life of hypocrisy. The Crucible is directly related to the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s  and 1960s. Senator Joseph McCarthy fought the growing Communist party during the â€Å"Red Scare,† when America was vulnerable to the growing threat of Communist invasion. McCarthy’s hearing is directly related to The Crucible because like the McCarthy hearings The Crucible sends a timeless message. Joseph McCarthy stood up to American society to publicly defend his reputation, as well as the reputations of others; additionally John Proctor did the same in The Crucible as he refused to shame himself by lying and taking the easy way out when others died for their morals. Works Cited: Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin Books, 1953.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Quals Direct Knowledge Task Essay

1.1 Define the following types of abuse: • Physical abuse is defined as the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury Sexual abuse is any sort of non-consensual contact Emotional/Psychological abuse is a form of abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another to behavior that may result in psychological trauma. Playing mind games, shouting and threatening behavior. Financial abuse telling you what you can and connot buy or requiring you to share or take control of your bank account and with holding monies from you. Institutional abuse is the mistreatment, neglect or inadequate care and support of adults in groups. Self neglect is failure of one adult to take care of himself or herself. Neglect by others ignoring the persons medical or physical care needs, Deliberate and unnecessary deprivation of a resource to the service user. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. Good answer 1.2 Identify the signs/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse. physical abuse bruises withfound in different states of healing, small clusters indicating finger marks, friction burns from carpets, injuries inconsistent with explanation, reluctance to seek medical help Sexual abuse bruises and bleeding round the rectal and vaginal areas, stained or torn underclothes or night wear, love bites, overt sexual behavior or language not previously used or conversely fear of any type of physical contact.  Emotion/psychological abuse symptoms of stress, on set of bed wetting, anxiety, tearfulness, low self esteem, unexplained paranoia and lack of eye contact. Financial abuse suddenly unable to pay bills or purchase necessities, unexplained withdrawals from saving Institutional abuse lack of privacy around toileting and bathing, lack of giving a choice of food, bedtime, clothing Self neglect lack of attention to personal care needs, rashes, pressure sores, dirty clothing and or wet, weight loss. Neglect by others lack of attention given to personal care needs, failure to ensure privacy and dignity, dirty clothes, rashes, being left alone for long periods of time. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. 1.3 Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse factors may include if the individual has a mental disability such as dementia or not having the mental capacity. If the individual is secluded or isolated or vulnerable there could be factors for the abuser which could include the abuser having lack of training, also abusing their power. Sometimes personal issues have a part to play which could include the carer/abuser being stressed or having a history of abuse and continuing the cycle. The factors include if one has low self esteem or self worth. if they have had abuse before, nobody to protect them, and the mentally ill. Other factors could be they may not be aware of their rights, may not be able to express themselves clearly. their home may unsuitable with no aids or adaptations to help give appropriate care. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. Outcome 2 know how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse 2.1 Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused. Always report suspected or alleged abuse to the appropriate person(s), record the facts on appropriate paperwork, listen do not judge, stay calm and collected, do not tamper with any evidence. Appropriate persons to report suspected or alleged abuse would be to my manager first of all, police, social workers, family(if family is not the abuser) and possibly their doctor. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. Who would be the appropriate person to report to? well answered 2.2 Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused Always establish what it is that has occured and report any suspicions to the appropriate manager. Reassuring the individual at all times take every allegation seriously. Always date the paperwork and have it signed by any witness (if any). take photos of any evidence if possible. Speak clearly and precise and avoid any leading questions. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. 2.3 Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved Always record facts immediately dated and signed (by any witnesses also), report any evidence immediately to line manager, do not tamper with any evidence. Taking Photos if possible, and try avoiding any leading questions that may make them think alternatively to the situation. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. What other steps might you take to preserve the evidence? You have mentioned some ways in the previous question could you ple those points and a few others you can think of. Outcome 3 Understand the national and local context of safeguarding and protection from abuse 3.1 Identify national policies and local systems that relates to safeguarding and protection from abuse National policies – safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006, the vetting and barring scheme run by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA), Criminal Records Bureau, Human rights act 1998. Local Systems – Safeguarding Adults Boards, Safeguarding policies and procedures for vulnerable adults. Data Protection Act 1998 Care standards Act 2000 Health and social care act 2008 The Equality Act 2010 No secrets, Department of Health 2000 Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. Amanda I can clearly see you get this question however The Police and CQC are not national polices or or local systems. This facts question fully http://www.ageuk.org.uk/Documents/EN-GB/Factsheets/FS78_Safeguarding_older_people_from_abuse_fcs.pdf?eps 3.2 Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse The police – their role is to safeguard vulnerable adults, investigate all reports of vulnerable adult abuse and protect and  uphold the rights of vulnerable adults. The CQC – – to monitor and provide guidance on what all health and social care providers must do to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse, the safeguarding policies, procedures and systems developed are in place to prevent vulnerable adults from being abused. Social services – Their role is to build managing safeguarding risks and benefits in care planning, review care plans, identify and respond to any concerns, lead and support enquiries in in the events of any abuse or neglect. Clinicians – Report incidents of abuse neglect or undignified treatment, follow up referrals, consult patients taking responsibility for ongoing care, lead and support enquiries where there is need for clinical input. Health care provider – Show leadership and routinely monitor activity, meet the required service quality standards, train staff in safeguarding procedures, investigate and respond effectively, take disciplinary action against staff who have abused or neglected people in their care. Social care and health commissioners – Build safeguarding into commissioning strategies and service contracts, review and monitor services regulary, intervenewhere services fall below fundamental standards or abuse is taking place. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. This leaflet will help you answer this question fully http://www.pasauk.org.uk/upload/public/featurebox/Safeguarding%20Adults.%20Roles%20and%20responsibilities%20in%20hea 3.3 Identify reports into serious failures to protect individuals from abuse A report about Orchid View care home in West Sussex that failed to ensure that the vulnerable adults were adequately protected from risks, including the risks of unsafe practice by its own staff. it was revealed that residents at Orchid View care home in Copthorne, west Sussex, were given  wrong doses of medication, left soiled and unattended because of a lack of staff and suffered because of serious failures in the home’s management. There was institutional abuse throughout the home which lead to the deaths of 5 residents. After an investigation the CQC found it had failed to meet eight of it essential quality and safety standards. The inquest heard that Jean Halfpenny, 77, was given an overdose of blood-thinning drug warfarin while at Orchid View, Which had failed to monitor and administer her medication properly. One of the staff at the care home said she was asked to shred forms after Halfpenny had been admitted to hospital for bleeding. The coroner heard that the Orchid View manager Meera Reed, looked at the medication administration record (MAR) brought into the office by a nurse and said â€Å"We can’t send her to hospital wit those. they will shut us down.† Five people were arrested, including some on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence in relation to Halfpenny’s death, but insufficient evidence existed to support a prosecution and the case was passed to a coroner. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. Some good research has gonr into the answer for this question 3.4 Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse My manager, colleagues My companies policies and procedures Local authority services department like social services The internet Care Quality Commission Books Independent Safeguarding Authority health and social care act 2015 Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. The 2015 Care Act perhaps? well answered Amanda Outcome 4 Understand ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse 4.1 Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: • Working with person centred values • Encouraging ac choice and rights Person centred values include the individuality of the person, the rights of the individual, choice, privacy, independence, dignity, and the individual being respected. If person centred values are taken into consideration when supporting an individual there is less likely to be abuse as all the staff will be working in the same way. If a person is considered to have a say in what he or she wants and is at the centre of any decision, it will be more unlikely that there is abuse. I always put the service users i work with at the centre of any decision about them and they are an active partner in their own care. service user decide what to do, shower, wash or bath, what clothes they want to wear and are treated with dignity, respect, confidentiality and are able to make their own choices. Active participation is a way of working that recognises an individuals right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible. So if the individual participates actively in their daily activities, then the risk of abuse is low. For example I would prompt the service user to pick out what clothes they would like to wear, what meals they would like and encourage them to take part in preparing and cooking the meal the way they like it. Individuals are supported to make their choices in anything they want, like food or drink, what to wear, whether they want a bath, shower,, or wash. No individual will choose something that will hurt them self therefore abuse is reduced to the minimum. Individuals rights are promoted throughout the service, service user have the right to as they wish to do and if its what they want as long as it is not dangerous, a risk assesment will then be done to stop any abuse happening. I ensure that i promote service users’ rights and choices by allowing them to make their own choices and support them to have the same rights of anyone else. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. Excellent answer 4 .2 Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse The complaints procedure gives the complainant the right to be heard and supported to make their views known. an accessible complaints procedure is understandable and easy to use. It sets out clearly how to make a complaint, the steps that will be taken when the complaint is looked into. An accessible complaints procedure resolves complaints more quickly as the complainant feels that they are being listened to and their complaint is is taken seriously. Making sure that abuse will not be tolerated in any form and encourages the complainant to not accept this. If a staff member is being abused, it would be reported to the line manager as an informal grievance, employees should aim to resolve most grievences informally with their line manager and are therefor encouraged to discuss all matters openly as they occur. If the grievance cannot be settled informally then it should be raised through the formal procedure of a grievance. Formal Grievance should be raised with their line manager or next level of management if grievance is related to the line manager, in writing, at the earliest time. the manager will organise a meeting within 5 working days, Employees will be allowed to explain their complaint,and suggest a way it should be settled. meeting could be ajourned if the manager feels they need further advice. the manager will give full consideration to the complaint and confirm the outcome in writing. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. You have looked at this question from the perspective of the client. How about the staff who may be getting abused please include colleagues in this answer Outcome 5 Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices 5.1 Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well being of individuals Unsanitary conditions can spread infection as cross-contamination can occur and can affect the well being of the individual and others. examples of these unsanity conditions can be dirty kitchen work surfaces and equipment, improper hand washing, not covering hair when cooking can pose a risk, as can not reporting faulty equipment when working or not, having cleaning materials can also be unsafe. Not having risk assessments in place when a service user hurts themselves, Staff not checking when service user is ill or unsteady on their feet. Staff not recording in the care plan any issues if a services is unwell or unable to support themselves as much, not monitoring their wellbeing. Other unsafe practice that can amount to abuse is leaving a service user on the toilet too long, ignoring or not listening to them.  Marks on the body not taken seriously and not listening to complaints can put them at more danger, harm and risk of abuse. staff that are untrained or have out of date training, unsanitary uniforms can spread infection to clients and other colleagues, Management giving their colleague/s a large work load, making them exhausted and having a lack of concentration. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. You have looked at this question from the perspective of the client. How about the staff who may be getting abused please include colleagues in this answer 5.2 Explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified If I identify unsafe practice then I must follow the whistle blowing procedure and report to the appropriate person. I will report to my manager immediately or if it involves my manager then I would report it to another appropriate person. I will monitor all unsafe practices and make sure that I record and report in full all the evidence, then I will talk to my manager as I am aware all unsafe practices are dangerous that could cause harm. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question. 5.3 Describe the action to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done If suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done in response or if it has to do with my manager then I would report it to the next level or manager. Then I would report to the social worker and safeguarding team and to the care quality commission and even the police depending on the response i get. Your assessor is happy with your answer to the above question.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

assessment task 1 Essay

assessment task 1 Essay assessment task 1 Essay 1. List 5 potential O.H.S hazards that could occur whilst using computers, and suggest strategies to minimise the risk. Some hazards that could occur whilst using the computer may include; Poor posture Excessive duration in a seated position Incorrect setup of workstation Glare Repetitive movements Strategies to minimise risk may include; All new staff to complete online ergonomics course Adjustable chairs, desks and ergonomic accessories such as document holders are available for staff to use Individual staff are responsible for taking breaks and doing stretches Staff are advised to report any symptoms ASAP 2. List 5 ways in which you can improve the overall layout of your work area to increase work effectiveness and decrease hazards 5 ways in which you can improve the overall layout of your work area to increase work effectiveness and decrease hazards include; Taking time to arrange your work area to keep frequently used items within easy reach and to minimize excessive bending and twisting. Typical things you can do: Arrange your work area so that you are facing the computer monitor with the keyboard directly in line with the monitor. To avoid unnecessary reach, make sure that your input device is positioned directly to the left or right of your keyboard on the same surface. Place accessories and other items such as your phone, reference materials and other frequently used objects within easy reach (try to keep your elbows at your sides). You may want to clear your work surface of clutter to provide necessary space to organize things efficiently. Place your document holder as close to the monitor screen as possible. Typically, these devices allow you to position documents right next to the screen or between the screen and the keyboard. If you use a phone on a consistent basis, a headset can allow you to work more comfortably. These devices come with many features and functions, so be sure to select a headset that best meets your job requirements. 3. Find your OHS manual and type out or attach the requirements listed for computer operation in your workplace. YOUR WORKSTATION - THE CHAIR SEAT: Height: Raise/lower the seat to enable the desk height to be at your elbow height. If you are a "touch typist", you may sit slightly higher. Adjust chair height so the feet are comfortably flat on the floor, the thighs are approximately horizontal and the lower legs approximately vertical. Tilt (if available) Set to horizontal initially, although you may wish to adjust the tilt slightly forward to suit your comfort. BACK REST: Height: Move the backrest to locate the lumbar support to the curve of your lower back. Lock the backrest into place. Angle: Use your body weight to lean back against the backrest. Depress the control lever to enable the back rest to change the angle. Frequent posture changes encourages blood flow to different muscle groups which helps minimize back fatigue when sitting for prolonged periods. ARM RESTS: Armrests are usually not recommended unless they are well out of the way of the desk. However, if your chair has arm rests make sure that they do not prevent you from getting as close to the desk as you require or that they impinge on your elbows while you are working FOOT RESTS: Use a foot rest if you feel pressure under your thighs from the front edge of your seat. A foot rest is also useful to address lower back fatigue when sitting for long periods. Pushing your feet into the foot rest helps to push your back into the angled back rest of the chair. YOUR WORKSTATION - THE DESK POSITION ON THE DESK Place the keyboard as close to the front edge of the desk as is comfortable. Do not place documents between the keyboard and the front edge of the desk, as this increases the reach distance to the keyboard and may result in excessive bending of the neck to look at the documents. Where possible, layout should be reorganised to bring frequently used objects closer to the user

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Make Glow-in-the-Dark Drinks

How to Make Glow-in-the-Dark Drinks Have you ever wanted  to make a glowing cocktail? There isnt a safe chemical you can add to make a drink glow in the dark on its own.  There are several edible substances that glow brightly from fluorescence under black light or ultraviolet light. To work the magic, simply add black lights to light your own glowing concoctions. Key Takeaways: Glow in the Dark Drinks There is no chemical that may be safely mixed into drinks to make them glow in the dark.However, many safe liquids glow (fluoresce) under black or ultraviolet light. Of these, the brightest glow is produced by tonic water, which appears blue.Without a black light, drinks may be made to appear to glow using presentation tricks. You can use a glowing glass, ice cubes containing small lights, or use a glow stick as a stirrer. If you want to make glowing drinks, get a pocket-sized black light (ultraviolet lamp) and take it shopping with you. Shine the light on products and look for a glow. Note that the glow may be a different color from the product. Also, you will discover many plastic containers are highly fluorescent. Here is a list of beverages and additives that reputedly glow in the dark under black light. Absinthe and Blue Curacaoâ„ ¢ contain alcohol, but the other items can be used for any occasion. Some fluorescent and phosphorescent substances will glow for several seconds after the light source is removed. Blue raspberry Little Hugsâ„ ¢ (kiddie soft drink)Mountain Dewâ„ ¢ and Diet Mountain Dewâ„ ¢Ã‚  Tonic Water (or any drink containing quinine glow blue)Many sports drinks (especially those with B vitamins such as Monsterâ„ ¢ energy drinks)AbsintheBlue Curacaoâ„ ¢Some bright food colorsCertain flavors of gelatinVitamin B12 (glows bright yellow)Chlorophyll (like from spinach juice, glows blood red)Milk (yellow)Caramel (pale yellow)Vanilla ice cream (pale yellow)Honey (golden yellow) Of these options, tonic water glows the most brightly under black light. Cranberry juice is not fluorescent, but it may be mixed with tonic water to offset the flavor and tint the blue so it appears purple or reddish. Clear soft drinks typically appear to glow under a black light because the bubbles from the carbonation reflect back the visible portion of light from the lamp. Tonic water glow bright blue under black light. Photo by Cathy Scola / Getty Images Make Drinks Appear to Glow You can make any drink appear to glow by using glowing products: Use glow sticks as cocktail stirrers. Simply snap the glow stick before serving the drink. The glow from the stick will illuminate the liquid. Now, while the oily liquid inside glow sticks is nominally non-toxic, it tastes truly awful. Check the glow stick for damage before placing it in a drink. Also, do not microwave the stick prior to use. Some people do this because the heat makes the glow brighter (although it doesnt last as long). Microwaving glow sticks can cause damage to the appliance and may cause the stick to break open.Add a glowing ice cube. If you have a black light, try ice cubes made using tonic water. Tonic water fluoresces bright blue. Another option is to freeze a small light into the water to make a true glowing ice cube. A simple method is to enclose an LED glowie inside a small zipper plastic bag. All you need is a coin battery, an LED (in the color of your choice), and a small bag. Another option is to use a glowing plastic ice cube. These are available in some stores and online. Basically, you chill the ice cube and turn on the light before adding it to a cocktail. Two advantages are that the luminous cubes are re-usable and they dont melt and dilute the drink. Some types of LED glow cubes can display multiple colors or even morph between them. Use a glowing glass. With a black light, simply use a fluorescent plastic glass. These are widely available at grocery and liquor stores. You could also add a light to a regular glass or purchase special glasses that contain lights.Add phosphorescent objects to the drink. There are many plastic glow-in-the-dark objects that may be added to drinks. Stars are the obvious choice! Source Zhejiang Guangyuan Toys Co., Ltd. Glow Stick Light Material Safety Data Sheet.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Online Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Online Banking - Essay Example Banks have had to adopt current technology in order to remain competitive, retain their customers and lower operation costs. Online banking was started in the 1980s by a few banks in the United States. Four major banks in New York adopted online banking to allow customers maintain electronic checkbook registers, check account balances, make fund transfers and other banking related activities. Online banking, also known as Internet banking, is part of virtual banking that began with telephone banking and automatic teller machines (ATMs). Virtual banking is a banking system that is non-branch based. Services are provided through various electronic media such as telephones, personal computers, ATMs and the Internet. Virtual banking has existed for quite some time and its transactions costs are quite low as compared to branch transaction costs. Banks are investing in various forms of banking systems to expand their geographical and market coverage with regards to banking systems. However, they are using different forms of banking, for example, some invest in bricks and mortar while others adopt the current ba nking system that uses the Internet (Cronin 42). The Internet is becoming the main channel of communication since its inception in 1969. Internet has recently gained popularity in the U.S. as the main medium for e-commerce. Its potential growth has come with opportunities and threats to businesses. The Internet is on the verge of becoming the main delivery and distribution channel. The growth and rapid diffusion of the Internet has made banking online an alternative banking system at the expense of traditional branch-based banking. Banks in the United States have started providing services via the Internet including Internet banking. Currently, the Internet has revolutionized the banking system and it is considered as an alternative strategic weapon that changes the operation system of banks. Banks are able to deliver services to customers in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication Essay - 10

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication - Essay Example Examples of such a statement are â€Å"fatal if inhaled†, â€Å"Causes severe skin burns and eye damage†. The danger sign should not be used for property damage hazards unless there is a risk of personal injuries. Warning statements describe hazardous situations that could cause a minor personal injury or serious injury or death. The sign can be used to represent a hazard level between â€Å"Caution† and â€Å"danger†. However, like the danger signs, warning signs should not be used for property damage hazards unless there is a risk of personal injuries. An example of a warning statement is, â€Å"This product contains royal jelly that has been reported to cause severe allergic reactions†. Cautionary statements describe situations that may lead to minor injuries. An example of such a statement is, â€Å"Keep away from heat, ignition surfaces, sparks and open flames† or â€Å"Handle under inert gas†. Notice statements are used to make people aware of things that could result in things other than personal injury (Kubik, 2006). The statement may contain important information that does not need to be related to any hazards. â€Å"The solvent used in the manufacturing of this product may have been contaminated by hazardous